• Our offices are closed Thursday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. No electronic transactions are processed on the holiday.

Crop Price History and Calculation Periods

See how crop prices change prior to planting until harvest and find commodity exchange price calculation periods.

Crop Price History

With the Revenue Protection plan, a price guarantee is set in both the spring (projected) and fall (Harvest). Your final Revenue Guarantee is based on the higher of the spring or fall price. This revenue price protection provides added security for marketing. With the historical chart below, you can see how prices change.

corn price history chart

The projected price for corn is $4.66 in 2024 and the harvest price was $4.88 in 2023.

soybean price history chart

The projected price for soybeans is $11.55 in 2024 and the harvest price was $12.84 in 2023.

winter wheat price history chart

Iowa and Wyoming winter wheat prices differ.

The Projected Price for winter wheat was $7.11 in 2014 and has increased to $7.38 in 2024. The Harvest Price for winter wheat was $6.43 in 2014 and has increased to $8.42 in 2023.

Calculation Periods


Commodity Exchange: Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)
Contract Month: December
Projected Price: February average daily settlement price
Harvest Price: October average daily settlement price

Spring Wheat

Commodity Exchange: Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGE)
Contract Month: September
Projected Price: February average daily settlement price
Harvest Price: August average daily settlement price


Commodity Exchange: CBOT
Contract Month: November
Projected Price: February average daily settlement price
Harvest Price: October average daily settlement price

Winter Wheat

Commodity Exchange: Kansas City Board of Trade (KCBOT)
Contract Month: September
Projected Price: Aug. 15 - Sept. 14 average daily settlement price
Harvest Price: July average daily settlement price (August for Wyoming)

Grain Sorghum

Commodity Exchange: CBOT
Contract Month: December
Projected Price: Corn Projected Price adjusted by price percentage
Harvest Price: Corn Harvest Price adjusted by price percentage


Commodity Exchange: CBOT
Contract Month: December
Projected Price: February average daily settlement price
Harvest Price: October average daily settlement price

Ready to Get Started

Complete the inquiry form or connect with a local office for more information.