Financial Reports

Find quarterly and annual financial results for Farm Credit Services of America.

2024 Financial Highlights

$43.3 billion

Loan Volume

$8.0 billion

Members' Equity

$866.0 million

Net Income

$392.6 million

Cash-Back Dividends

CEO Mark Jensen in Omaha office

From the CEO

“Producers are managing more risk, deploying more capital and navigating increasing complexities. That’s why we exist – to provide dependable financial support for agriculture, no matter the circumstances.”

Financial Trends

Farm Credit Services of America's financial trends year over year.

Farm Credit Services of America’s loan volume has increased from $29.7 billion in 2019 to $38.6 billion in 2023.


Farm Credit Services of America members' equity has increased from $5.9 billion in 2019 to $7.5 billion in 2023.


Farm Credit Services of America net income has increased from $672.0 million in 2019 to $799.0 million in 2023.


Cash-back dividends paid to Farm Credit Services of America customer-owners has increased from $262.0 million in 2019 to $357.0 million in 2023.


Financial Reports

Quarterly Reports

Annual Reports

For a printed copy of the quarterly report or annual report, call 800-884-3276 or complete an online request form.

Notice to stockholder: Farm Credit Services of America will publish its annual report on this website at the same time the annual report is submitted to the Farm Credit Administration, its regulator. This will occur within 75 calendar days of the end of Farm Credit Services of America’s fiscal year, December 31st. Stockholders will also be mailed a hard copy of the annual report within 90 days of the end of Farm Credit Services of America’s fiscal year