• Our offices are closed Thursday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. No electronic transactions are processed on the holiday.

Crop Insurance Abbreviations

Find common abbreviations and acronyms used to describe crop insurance plans and details.

AFAnnual Forage
AIPApproved Insurance Provider
APHActual Production History
APHTHActual Production History Transfer History
ARAcreage Report
ARDAcreage Reporting Date
ARPIArea Risk Protection Insurance
BFRBeginning Farmer and Rancher
BPCommon Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions
BUBasic Unit
BUDBasic Unit Discount
CATCatastrophic Risk Protection
CBOTChicago Board of Trade
CCContinuous Cropping
CEPPCommodity Exchange Price Provisions
CLUFSA Common Land Unit (Field)
CMEChicago Mercantile Exchange
CPCrop Provisions
CPAContract Price Addendum
CRPConservation Reserve Program
DODollar Amount of Insurance
ECEnterprise Unit by Cropping Practice
EIEnterprise Unit by Irrigation Practice
EINEmployer Identification Number
EOIEnd of Insurance Period
EUEnterprise Unit
FCICFederal Crop Insurance Corporation
FPDFinal Planting Date
FSAFarm Service Agency
FSNFarm Serial Number
GFPGood Farming Practice
GISGeographical Information System
GPAGuarantee Per Acre
GSIGrowing Season Inspection
HELCHighly Erodible Land Conservation
IBRInter-Tilled Between Rows
IPIncome Protection
IPAInsurance Per Acre
IPFInsurance Per Field
KCBOTKansas City Board of Trade
LAFLoss Adjustment Factor
LAMLoss Adjustment Manual
LASHLoss Adjustment Standards Handbook
LPCoverage Level by Practice
LPPLate Planting Period
MGEMinneapolis Grain Exchange
MPMargin Protection
MPCIMultiple Peril Crop Insurance
NAPNon-Insured Assistance Program
NCISNational Crop Insurance Service
NIBRNot Inter-Tilled Between Rows
NIDNo Indemnity Due
NPSNo Practice Specified
NRCSUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
OCOrganic Certified
OTOrganic Transitional
OUOptional Unit
POAPower of Attorney
PPPrevented Planting
PRDProduction Reporting Date
PRFPasture, Rangeland, Forage
QLQuality Loss Option
RIRain Index
RMARisk Management Agency
ROInsurance Services Regional Office (RMA)
RPRevenue Protection
RPHPERevenue Protection Harvest Price Exclusion
SASignature Authority
SA-TSimple Average T-Yield
SBISubstantial Beneficial Interest
SCDSales Closing Date
SCOSupplemental Coverage Option
SCSSimplified Claims Service
SFSummer Fallow
SOISchedule of Insurance
SPSpecial Provisions
SRAStandard Reinsurance Agreement
TATrend Adjusted APH Yield Option
TMAT-Yield Map Area
T-YieldTransitional Yield
USDAUnited States Department of Agriculture
WAWritten Agreement
WAHWritten Agreement Handbook
WCWetland Conservation
WFRPWhole Farm Revenue Protection
YAYield Adjustment
YEYield Exclusion Option
YPYield Protection

Ready to Get Started

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