Ron and Julie

Specialty Crop and Beef Producers
Albin, WY
Customer Since 2007

More from Ron and Julie

Growing our operation

As we ventured out on our own, we began to discover we had an interest in production agriculture in the organic industry. Together with my wife and our three boys, we’ve spent the last 20 years building our organic farm and growing it into what we have today. We raise wheat, chickpeas, flax, hemp, millet and buckwheat.

Why I work with Farm Credit

Farm Credit really offers a wide array of expertise whether it’s insurance, financials or just planning for our operation. We’ve learned a lot by attending their seminars. Being an independent producer, sometimes you feel like you’re out on your own, but with a team like Farm Credit, I always feel like they have my back.

Surrounded by a team of experts

I appreciate the structure of Farm Credit. I don’t just have a local office I work with; I have a team of people drawing expertise from across the country. That is extremely helpful because I know they have a variety of perspectives to offer. I think that gives me an edge as a producer.

My vision for the future

We have three boys who may want to be part of the operation someday. Our pursuit of agriculture has always been about raising our family in a rural setting where we could instill the same values and morals I learned growing up, but letting them choose whatever they want to do in life knowing they had the same opportunities.

What I enjoy most about agriculture

What I enjoy most about agriculture is knowing I’m producing a healthy, quality product for American families, and that I can do that with my family in an independent setting.

Farm Credit Services of America customers Krystl and Cody

Your Success Matters

You need a lender who understands agriculture and your unique needs. We have entire teams dedicated to your success, from local advisors to economists to commodity specialists and more. Every day, we work to be your most valued financial partner.

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