Randy and Sandra

Grain Producers
Alpena, SD
Customer Since 1969

More from Randy and Sandra

Why I chose agriculture

After high school, I was in the South Dakota National Guard for six years, but even then I knew I wanted to farm. My dad farmed and we helped each other out. I started farming full time in 1970, renting three-quarters from an ad I saw in the Daily Plainsman. I wish everybody could enjoy their occupation like I do. It makes the hard work rewarding.

How I keep up to speed with modern agriculture

I spend my evenings reading and researching online. I also like to talk with neighbors about their views and ideas.

Our greatest challenge

After being in this business 45 years, I think marketing is the hardest aspect of the operation. There are plenty of people who can provide advice, analysis and history, but nothing is certain. We don’t hire anyone to help us market and I’m comfortable with the job we’ve done. My son, Bryan, and I converse with one another, but we each make our own choices and don’t look back.

Our vision for the operation

I’m starting to slow down and my son, Bryan, wants to take on more. It can be hard to know where to go for estate planning guidance. We went to a seminar a year ago, which has helped our transition.

In 2009, we had neighbors who wanted to retire and rent their pasture to my son, so I sold him my cows to expand his herd. He’s done an excellent job. Along the way, we’ve transitioned some of my leased acres to him, and he has very good relationships with the land owners. We’re not near done with the transition process yet, but we’re working together on it. It is pretty complicated.

What I’ve learned

Patience. You’ve got to think it through before going into a new endeavor. There are a lot of opportunities out there – maybe they’re good endeavors and maybe not. After you make a decision, be committed to it whether good or bad.

Why we work with FCSAmerica

My dad switched to FCSAmerica when he felt his bank didn’t have an understanding of his assets and a neighbor told my dad he was happy with FCSAmerica. So when I started, that’s where I went, too. I’ve been very satisfied. It hasn’t always been easy, but they’ve stuck with us. They help us know exactly where we are financially and how aggressive we can be.

Farm Credit Services of America customers Krystl and Cody

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