Paul and Lisa

Grain and Livestock Producers
Clear Lake, SD
Customer Since 1989

More from Paul and Lisa

How we got started in agriculture

My brother Joel and I started farming together in 1981 when we graduated from college. If anybody remembers the ‘80s, it was a tough time to get started. But for us it was probably the best time to get started. We didn’t have a lot of debt, we had access to machinery at relatively cheap prices, so it all just worked out pretty good for us. We had a dad with a farming operation and he welcomed us home and into that operation.

How FCSAmerica helped us get started

The 1980s was a time when you really needed to know where you stood financially. You needed to understand what it meant when you borrowed money, how you were going to pay it back, and what your cash flows were. It was a great opportunity for me when we started working with Farm Credit because I really started understanding the financial side. I’ve learned a lot from the working relationship we have with our loan officer.

Our greatest challenge

Farming is tough at times. There are times when both Joel and I spend a ton of time in the field, managing the business or doing all the things that need to be done on a timely basis. It’s a challenge to get everything done and make sure this farm stays successful and profitable. It’s been neat to see the kids become involved in the operation and grow into these roles.

My vision for the future

My vision is that we can pass a successful farming operation on to a generation that understands the importance of doing things right, the importance of keeping track of margins and making sure they make good, sound financial judgments. These are important parts of a farming operation, and so I’m hoping the kids will get the same experience working with Farm Credit and the understanding of the financial side as I did growing up with the Farm Credit system.

Farm Credit Services of America customers Krystl and Cody

Your Success Matters

You need a lender who understands agriculture and your unique needs. We have entire teams dedicated to your success, from local advisors to economists to commodity specialists and more. Every day, we work to be your most valued financial partner.

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