Matt and Wendy

Grain and Beef Producers
Newell, IA
Customer Since 2002

More from Matt and Wendy

Why I chose agriculture

My dad had an opportunity to expand his farming operation, which made room for me to come back after working off the farm for a few years. I like the work, the lifestyle and being my own boss.

How I prepared myself for agricultural business

From when we were young, we were around dad when he talked with his financial officer and other advisors. I went to South Dakota State after high school and then worked in construction and was a welder.

My vision for the operation

I want the farm to grow, but within what we can do as a family. We make decisions so that our kids can join the operation if they want to someday. At the end of the day when we walk away, we want to leave something for somebody else.

What I enjoy most about farming

I like livestock and doing chores. I don’t know what to do with myself when I don’t have chores to do. I also enjoy driving a tractor or combining on a sunny day.

Why we work with FCSAmerica

Our financial officer was our dad’s financial officer. He helped us transition the operation and then took us on as customers in 2002. FCSAmerica is a family type of place. I know everyone in the office. They’ll come out to the farm and talk to us anytime.

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You need a lender who understands agriculture and your unique needs. We have entire teams dedicated to your success, from local advisors to economists to commodity specialists and more. Every day, we work to be your most valued financial partner.

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