Dean and Linda

Grain and Pork Producers
Conrad, IA
Customer Since 2000

More from Dean and Linda

Why I chose agriculture

I grew up working on the farm and have always enjoyed it. I’m the fifth generation in my family to farm.

Our greatest challenge

It’s really a challenge to educate consumers and help them understand that what we do as pork producers is animal and environmentally friendly. It’s tough to compete with animal rights groups that communicate a very different message.

How I prepared myself for agricultural business

I studied agriculture at Iowa State University and continue to educate myself and be involved by serving on my co-op’s board of directors. I also work as an active member in my county pork producers association. I talk to consultants and outside advisors to not only be a better pork producer but also a financial manager. My wife, Linda, participated in Annie’s Project to equip her to be a more knowledgeable contributor while we make decisions about the farm.

Our business approach

I believe if you’re not growing, your business is dying. As my sons get older, I continue to work to provide one or both of them the opportunity to come home to the farm.

How we know we’re heading in the right direction

We use FCSAmerica’s digital tool called Manage Profits to do financial analysis and talk with our financial officer about our ratios and performance. We’ve taken ideas from these conversations to improve our farm.

The future of our operation

We slowly keep expanding in hopes that one or both of our sons will return to the farm. Our sons’ visions are to increase both our number of sows and acres farmed.

What I enjoy about farming

I appreciate working with my family. Harvest is a fun time of year, and I’ve always liked farrowing and raising baby pigs.

Why we work with FCSAmerica

We started working with FCSAmerica in 2000 because of their willingness to offer loans for livestock buildings. I never stepped foot in an office the first three years I was a customer. Our loan officer is very personal and gives us great customer service. He understands our ups and downs and the cash flow differences of the hog business.

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